
Web byl vytvořen v rámci projektu „Reálné problémy virtuálního světa„, který podpořila Nadace OSF v rámci programu Active Citizens Fund, jehož cílem je podpora občanské společnosti a posílení kapacit neziskových organizací. Program je financován z Fondů EHP a Norska.

Koordinátor projektu: Ing. Petr Šmíd, DiS.
Telefon: 722 928 192
E-mail: reditel@portusprachatice.cz

Project: „Real problems of the virtual world“

Through targeted seminars with elements of experiential pedagogy and certified primary prevention programmes, we want to offer and put into hands of educators and young people practical tools for verifying the truthfulness of information and detecting misinformation in cyberspace. The project will allow us to WORK in new ways and, thanks to the new unique
website, COMMUNICATE with educators on the topic of media literacy, which is very current due to the planned revision of the FEP / SEP from the diction of the Ministry of Education, which does not currently manage its coordinating role. In a similar way, the project replaces the coordinating role of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports in the field of primary prevention, which we will implement in schools with the topic of media literacy.

The project is being supported by the Open Society Fund Prague from the Active Citizens Fund. The programme promotes citizens’ active participation in the public life and decision making and builds capacities of civil society organizations. The Active Citizens Fund is financed from the EEA and Norway Grants